This is closer to what we intended for Hungry Squirrel, but ran out of time. (This isn't the game-jam version.)

You're a hungry squirrel trying to grab as many falling acorns as you can.

There are five positions on the tree where the squirrel can jump between, using the keyboard: 

  • Left lower branch - Space key
  • Left upper branch - F key
  • Shelf on trunk - G key
  • Right upper branch - H key
  • Right lower branch - J key

(Can be done with two hands, or one-handed for either hand. Allowing for one-handed play was the reasoning for the choice of keys.)

Any contact with an acorn catches it. 

The game ends when the timer runs out.

Inspired by a Russian handheld game in which a wolfis catching eggs coming down chutes, and the player only has a set number of locations to teleport between. That 'Wolf and Rabbit' theme is from the old Russian cartoon -- Something like Tom & Jerry.

art: Jazzhoo
coding: Rainsong